The majority of the breakthroughs in the push to legalize psilocybin use have been at the city level. However, there are a handful of states that have mirrored the initiatives of some American cities.
Oregon has led the charge for legalizing the use of magic mushrooms with its Measure 109. The measure outlines major policies regarding magic mushroom use in the state.
For one, you need to be aged 21 and above to legally use shrooms. Second, psilocybin use is only allowed in licensed centers and must be facilitated by a trained professional. The issuance of licenses for these centers began in January 2023.
Alongside Measure 109, the people of Oregon have voted for the passage of Measure 110. Essentially, this measure decriminalizes the possession of magic mushrooms for people carrying 12 grams or less.
Although Texas has not yet decriminalized magic mushrooms, its state legislature has passed a measure that seeks to fund trials for the use of magic mushrooms for the treatment of PTSD among former soldiers.
Residents of Colorado are divided over passing measures legalizing the use or sale of psychedelics like magic mushrooms. Those who have taken a pro stance on psychedelics argue that the Natural Medicine Health Act is the best framework for legalization with measures for decriminalization and licensed therapy embedded.
With the passage of Initiated Ordinance 301, Denver cemented its legacy with the legalization of magic mushroom use. Passed in 2019, the ordinance decriminalizes shrooms.
But more importantly, the ordinance has served as a beacon of hope for proponents of amending laws related to psychedelics, including shrooms.
In 2021, Detroit residents voted to pass Proposal E which decriminalizes substances like magic mushrooms.
Although psilocybin mushrooms are still classified as Schedule 1 substances, the measure pushes possession down the list of priorities for law enforcement units.
Easthampton, Northampton, Cambridge, and Somerville have all passed measures decriminalizing psychedelics like magic mushrooms. Somerville started the trend in 2021 with Cambridge passing a similar measure after a month. Northampton and Easthampton followed suit in April and October 2021, respectively.
Oakland is one of the first cities to follow Denver’s initiative to decriminalize magic mushrooms. In 2019, the city passed the Decriminalize Nature Oakland.
Port Townsend’s Resolution 21-008, which decriminalizes magic mushrooms is patterned after Seattle’s decriminalization initiatives. The Port Townsend Psychedelic Society takes major credit for this resolution because of its active push for the passage of such a resolution.
Santa Cruz took its cue from Oakland, passing a measure decriminalizing entheogenic plants and fungi like shrooms in January 2020.
The measure has made magic procession a low priority for law enforcement units. At the same time, local councilors have made it clear that they will not fund initiatives that pursue people who possess shrooms and other entheogens.
Seattle threw its hat in the inititative to decriminalize mushrooms in 2021. The city’s councilors voted unanimously to make shrooms the lowest priority for police officers.
With the DC Initiative 81, passed in 2020, Washington DC decriminalized psychedelics like psilocybin mushrooms. Like in other cities, the passage of the bill meant that law enforcement units in the city put magic mushrooms at the bottom of their list of priorities.
Ann Arbor became the third city to decriminalize entheogens, including psychedelics like shrooms, with the passage of a resolution in September 2020. The passage of that resolution means that law enforcement units won’t arrest and investigate those found in possession, buying, or selling magic mushrooms.